People's Liberation Army Doesn't like CCP. China fears great PLA mutiny after Galwan humilation.
Published on Mar 30, 2021
Mirror: You News2 on jewtube
People's Liberation Army Doesn't like CCP. China fears great PLA mutiny after Galwan humilation.
China fears great PLA mutiny after Galwan humilation, Son of a former CCP leader spills the beans.
He is being blamed for creating and hiding the Wuhan virus, no one wants to befriend him due to his blatant belligerence and now he is also facing mutiny from the military forces of his country. 2020 is turning out to be an awful year for Chinese President Xi Jinping. And the Galwan valley clash between the Indian Army and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China could very well prove to be the reason for his undoing.
Jianli Yang, a Chinese dissident and the son of a former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader, has spilled the beans on unrest brewing within the PLA ever since the Indian Army inflicted heavy casualties on the Chinese Army.
Yang wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post titled, “Retired and hurt PLA veterans could become a force against the Chinese Communist Party regimeâ€. He says, “the CCP leadership cannot afford to undermine the veterans’ potential to launch a collective and “armed†anti-regime action.â€
At the root of growing anger and resentment within the PLA veterans serving officers is the refusal of the CCP regime to disclose the number of casualties during the Galwan Valley clash.
Within Chinese social media too, there was widespread resentment against the Xi Jinping regime as it did not even honour those who were killed in the clash. Weibo, China’s version of Twitter saw many citizens take potshots at the CCP.
On June 19, a Weibo user said, “India has held a memorial service for the sacrificial soldiers. It shows the high respect and attention of the whole country of India to the soldiers who defend the country and the land.â€
It is not possible to know much about what goes on within China due to the wild censors on its social media, but Yang gives us some valuable insights.
He says that the disgruntled veterans, many of whom participated in the bloody Korean war and the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese war, “have been holding frequent mass protests across China for years now, hoping to shame the government into recognizing its obligation toward those who battled along the country’s borders in the past.â€
Yang adds, “All they seek is better health care, pensions, and jobs, as a mark of due gratitude for their service to the nation. Shockingly, however, the country which has the world’s largest army, does not have a central agency to administer pensions and other benefits to its veterans. Resultantly, they are forced to depend on local governments for pensions, medical care, and other basic benefits.â€
There is a wide disparity in the financial conditions of the local Chinese governments, and consequently, there is no standard pension for retired Chinese soldiers. According to the Chinese dissident, the veterans find themselves left at the mercy of corrupt local bureaucracy by the CCP which makes them feel like “donkeys slaughtered after they are too old to work a grindstone.â€
The fate of the present PLA soldiers has only exacerbated the fury of the veterans. The PLA soldiers were forced by China to take on a professional Indian Army, and the results were catastrophic for the PLA.
Even worse, the Xi Jinping regime was never willing to admit that it got PLA soldiers butchered. Yang says Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian did not acknowledge the number of casualties during his June 22 conference saying, “I have no information to offer.â€
A day later, he again avoided giving any information and only said that reports of more than 40 Chinese soldiers circulated by Indian media was “false informationâ€.
But then the same spokesperson had given a “step-by-step account of the Galwan clash (the Chinese version, of course) and China’s position on settling this incident.â€