Did Hitler Have Flying Saucers? ⚡? ?? 卐 ? 卐 ?? ?⚡
Published on Feb 28, 2025
https://exopolitics.org/nazi-ufos-flew-over-washington-led-to-ss-infiltration-of-us-space-program/ Use night mode at upper right & old bitchute: https://old.bitchute.com/channel/wfs8IL4r0ZmX/ Just before midnight on Saturday, July 19, 1952, air-traffic controller Edward Nugent at Washington National Airport spotted 7 slow-moving objects on his radar. Two more controllers at National spotted a strange bright light hovering in the distance that zipped away at incredible speed. At nearby Andrews Air Force Base, radar operators got the same unidentified blips, slow and clustered at first, then racing away at speeds exceeding 7,000 mph. Two F-94 interceptor jets were scrambled, but each time they approached the mysterious blips would disappear. By dawn of July 20 the objects were gone. The next Saturday the UFOs were back over the nation’s capital, with the same radar blips. More F-94 jets were scrambled to chase down the objects only for the blips to vanish. Finally one of the jet pilots caught sight of a bright light. “I tried to make contact with the bogies below 1,000 feet. I saw several bright lights. I was at maximum speed, but even then I had no closing speed. I ceased chasing them because I saw no chance of overtaking them.” The next day newspaper headlines across America screamed “Saucers Swarm Over Capital” and “Jets Chase DC Sky Ghosts.” The UFO era officially began with pilot Kenneth Arnold's sighting on June 24, 1947. He saw a string of nine shiny UFOs flying past Mount Rainier at speeds he estimated at 1,200 mph. This was just months after Admiral Byrd's Operation High Jump was attacked by unknown aircraft in Antarctica. They were sending a message by flying over DC on 2 consecutive Saturday nights.
Here's a great book revealing all the treachery inside and outside Germany during WW2: https://ia801500.us.archive.org/27/items/worldwide-defeat_20220324/Worldwide%20Defeat.pdf
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