Montréal: Mom anti-mask resisting arrest at anti-vaxer protest 12-20-2020

Published on Jun 27, 2021
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In the most recent display of total idiocy and recklessness since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, hundreds of people gathered today in the downtown core of Montréal, Canada in an organized demonstration against the new vaccine. Not only the crowds of conspirationists did indeed spread misinformation by holding speeches in public, they in fact perhaps contributed to spread the actual virus as well. Among them, the parents of two babies present at the protest confronted the police and were arrested by officers from the SPVM. In a stunning display of craziness, the woman who previously taunted cops then fought with them while resisting arrest. She was eventually restrained and had to be lifted and carried away towards an awaiting police vehicle by four officers. A march continued in the streets of the city under a light snowfall and numerous other arrests were made. The demonstration was organized by different groups among them adepts of conspiracy theories and people who believe that requesting to wear a mask to keep others safe is against one's right. Meanwhile one year later, countless people continue to die everyday across the world while awaiting a vaccine in this catastrophic life changing event.
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