South Bend Shootings, Sodomy and Mayor Pete Buttegieg - Commentary and Analysis
Published on Jan 6, 2022
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South Bend, Indiana has been rocked by a spate shootings over the past few weeks: one at the hands of a white cop who shot a black man, the other, a gunman who opened fire near a bar killing one, and injuring 10.
It seems as though a "spirit of violence" has been unleashed, and this evening Dr. E. Michael Jones, Pastor Graylin Watson and Peter Helland sit down to discuss the climate in the town of South Bend, the spirit of the people, and whether or not Mayor Pete Buttegieg's depraved sexual behavior and mockery of the sacrament of marriage could be part of the reason this "spirit of violence" has been unleashed...
Dr. E. Michael Jones is a world renowned Catholic author, lecturer, and the editor of Culture Wars magazine. His books include:
📕Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control:
📗The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal As Ethnic Cleansing:
📘Barren Metal: Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury:
📕Catholics and the Jew Taboo:
📗 The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History
📚For a complete list of Dr. Jones' books visit:
Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine.
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