Bluetooth Connect XXX & Walmart Zombie Analysis

Published on Jun 28, 2021
Links: Walmart Zombie:
BlueTooth Connect:

PLEASE... This is an enormous amount of work and my paypal has less than $100 in it and I have responsibilities and things to prepare for. I do not like asking in videos for support. Do you think Father would approve of you supporting this work? Do you not think you will be blessed for doing it? Daniel

7 ways to support Daniel's work: (Understand, I offer multiple different ways including ways that do not even cost you a dime so that I might.. just might be able to provide for my self monthly and may even be able to prepare for the days coming that I can see.)
1. A direct tip or donation via:
2. Become a monthly supporter via:
3. "Don't like Patreon?" I set up a method with paypal that will automatically once a month make a predetermined donation amount sent directly to me with no fees taken out. *Note: The Paypal account will say "East Coast Picker " on it, that is me also"
Here are the support level options:
Support Level 1 - $25mo:
Support Level 2 - $50mo:
Support Level 3 - $100mo:
4. #OperationRadiation T-Store: ( I am adding more designs )
5. Amazon: Cost to you $0 if you just simply visit my Amazon store prior to buying anything you want on Amazon and I will get a small (and I do mean small) commission. I actually spend a lot of time researching items that I have placed in the store to give you ideas just like I am looking for. You should find it useful. My Amazon Store Link:
6. If you need a Grid Down solution for refrigerating/freezing food, this unique 1 of a kind refrigerator fits the bill. You can get it on Amazon but if you buy it via my link, I have arranged a 10% off coupon with the guys at the company. They are subscribers of my channel.
10% Discount Code: LogicBeforeAuthority
7. MAIL:
Daniel Alexander Cannon
PO Box 5
Loris SC

Thank you in advance for supporting truth and my effort to keep getting it out. I am looking at ways to further expand right now as well. So stay tuned. We are just getting started.
Daniel Alexander Cannon



MY WEBSITES: (Under RE-Construction)

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