Everyone is Reading the Same Script - Who Wrote It?
Published on Nov 19, 2021
Who is orchestrating the coordination of all these newscasters to read the same lines, word for word. Could we know the name of the person behind this? They are talking about democracy, but it is a dictatorship that they are setting up. People need to see what they are doing, so I'm doing my job. I found this on BitChute and felt it was well done to show that someone is writing scripts for the MSM. See if you agree. They talk about something being 'extremely dangerous to our democracy' What democracy? We don't have any say in anything. Who are they kidding? How stupid do they think we are? This kind of video is what we need. It shows the set behind the news
Source https://www.bitchute.com/video/HN3RE1Y0oQ9m/
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