Sandy Hook HARD CORE Undebunkable Truth, Rest In Pieces Trolls

Published on May 18, 2020
Pass this around, particularly the jpeg cover where the Democrat party and council on foreign relations are all linked to the sandy hook fake staged "shooting" and bloomberg's mayor's against guns racket. Here are four other Sandy Hook videos:
Jennifer Hudson singing at the Super bowl with the "dead" Sandy Hook kids!
Another video of the kids:
#CFR #CouncilonForeignRelations #RockefellerFoundation
On to the video. There are too many glaring inconsistencies with the US government and mainstream media's claims about the Sandy Hook elementary School "shooting".
Do you know how "they" pulled off this psyop? The "parents" provided photographs of the kids to the mainstream media that were taken years prior, when the kids were younger. When the parents and the children, state police thugs, FBI scum, etc, conducted the actual fake shooting event at the "school", the kids were already two to three years OLDER. Then, following the "shooting", three months later the children sang in the Superbowl 2013 to throw it in the face of the ignorant gullible public who hadn't figured it out! I didn't know at the time either, it was too soon, and by then all who partook in the event had already received millions of dollars in donations from the people they duped!
It wasn't until a year later or so that people began putting all the pieces together. By that time the "deep state" who pulled off the event already had a head start on solidifying alibi's in the court system.
See here:
"Sandy Hook is the school in Newtown, Conn., where 20 first-graders and six adults were killed by a gunman on Dec. 14. The chorus was comprised of third- and fourth-graders."
That's the give away in the article. They claim that the kids who allegedly died were first graders, but the kids were actually the fourth graders singing!
The Sandy Hook hoax happened on December 14, 2012.
The 2013 Superbowl was only a few months later on February 3, 2013.
That's why no one identified the kids singing at the Super Bowl with Jennifer Hudson as those from Sandy Hook. Clever.
That's what these crazies do in their spare time, they think of clever ways to deceive the public for monetary gain and to push the NWO agenda of disarming law abiding citizens. Plus, they are vampire-like in that they feed off of fear energy of the public.

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