(June 20th, 2023) Our Tenno Heika, Kogo Heika, Tribute the flowers to our 28 World War 2 Japanese Heroes, Infront the tomb of Heroes, Somewhere Oversea

Published on Jun 20, 2023

(June 20th, 2023)
Our Tenno Heika, Kogo Heika, Tribute the flowers to our 28 World War 2 Japanese Heroes, Infront the tomb of Heroes, Somewhere Oversea .

We all thanks to our King and Queen .

Our Tenno Heika, Kogo Heika, Tribute the flowers to our 28 World War 2 Japanese Heroes, Somewhere Oversea .
The Heroes who fought against the ethnic freemason/Semitic and Bolshevik/Communist, The Heroes who real preserved the heritage of Japan and, The true warriors of Asia and the world .

The Sun is shining, The wild is gently blow,
Infront the tomb of Heroes,
Our King and Queen is tribute the flowers to our Heroes,
It don't need any word even, We feel the warm that from our King and Queen to our Heroes .

We love our King and Queen, And our King and Queen love their people as well,
This make me feel proud .

This make me tears, This moment is beautiful, Thank you to our King and Queen,
This is not the kishida and his wife can't be like this .

Unlike the communist or the land of freemason,
We have our pure blood King and Queen .
This always make me feel proud .

For example, The british royal are long not longer pure blood but the reptilian, Diana knew this, That's why they wanna removed her, Rome's crown has also been stole by the christian/Reptile jews by their lies on bible(Ancient fake news),
Let alone now most of the so-called "Country" they don't even have king and queen but instead replace by the "president" the communist reptilian puppet that turn out the communist/equality of depraved or money is their king,
But Japan, The Imperial Loyalty world, We proud to have our real pure blood heritage King and queen as always, That's make how i can always proud of, To rise our flag and shine it up, The Sun that Rising to shine upon the earth, And stay proud to fight against our enemies .

I said Tenno Heika Banzai before, I said Tenno Heika banzai now, And i will keep saying Tenno Heika banzai !





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