Please Hear This Message Before It’s Too Late | Freedom Convoy-Police Cutting Fuel Off From Drivers

Published on Feb 7, 2022
I want everyone to remember one very important thing going forward after tonight… If anything gets stirred up or violent this week, it won’t be because of us!! The Ottawa Police are ramping up forces and preparing to stir shit up this week as part of their plan to end this. They can’t get us on this being a violent protest so they are possibly going to attempt to make it so. REMEMBER THIS AND SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE YOU CAN!!! 💥 The energy here is next level. The people are beautiful and this is the biggest display of love and unity I have ever witnessed in my life! ❤️
The police are raiding HQ and seizing shit. Pat King says to stand down and don’t engage. Just film and be friendly!! We have so much ground force right now that this weak attempt at stirring shit up only hurts them. They are also stopping people bringing fuel in. So if you’re out there and receiving this message, please grab a jerry can and get some fuel to these guys. These fines literally won’t stick and will make a great historical piece of paper from the great Canadian revolution!!! 😊
God speed folks
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