You Look Like Baphomet
Published on Apr 24, 2024
You say there's just two genders
But Judaism's got another view
By pure cohencidence, goy
Satan thinks so too
It was defined as mental illness
But then we had that changed
Perverts are now called normal
And given gay parades
The man named Magnus Hirschfeld
Made real life Frankensteins
Perverted evil doctor
Demented in his mind
It was defined as mental illness
But then we had that changed
Perverts are now called normal
And given gay parades
You act like this is healthy
You know it's not okay
Androgyny's from Satan
You look like Baphomet
It was defined as mental illness
But then we had that changed
Perverts are now called normal
And given gay parades
Please come St. Michael
And rain on gay parades
Please stop the jews now
From making their charades
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