Noahs Ark preserved in permafrost on Mt Ararat | Gerrit Aalten

Published on Jul 20, 2021
"Observing a variety of wreckwood, these mountainguides recognize it immediately as belonging to the same three-storey wooden building that was discovered sometime earlier."
"Loosened wood parts reveal different types of construction techniques, of a very high and ingenious quality."

These live images were taken during the NAMI years.
NAMI stands for Hong Kong based 'Noah's Ark Ministries International'.
For some years around 2009, a Turkish-Chinese exploration team entered this colossal ancient wooden building, in the bottom of a deep gorge, high on 'Agri Dagh' as is the official Turkish name for Mount Ararat.
In meanwhile NAMI as well as ArkInsight Foundation are disestablished.

The location of this archaeological site has been rediscovered in june 2008 by the local mountain guide Ahmet Ertugrul also known by his nickname Parasut.

These days this archaeological site is under protection and investigation of the Turkish authorities with involvement of high classified scientists.

For eyewitness accounts on Noah's ark, please see:
(English and Dutch pages)


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