The Night Before (((RESET)))

Published on Dec 23, 2021
From VfB: From my researches, I have determined that this bunch of UTTER ASSHATTERY that We The People have endured for that last 25 months or so (depending on your knowledge of when this plandemic actually about October of 2019?!? Yes, October, friends) WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN TWENTY YEARS AGO, DURING WHAT WE ALL KNOW AS THE EVENTS OF SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001, USING SMALLPOX INSTEAD OF THE SERPENT CROWN...I MEAN CORONAVIRUS
So I go to get you all receipts, using BING - first result:
Nah, brah - that page no longer exists, fam
Next URL:
That's a good one - I'd download this if I were you, friends
How about the actual exercise?
Paul Craig Roberts penned a piece back in January:
I never give up, you know - decent overview...but I know you want THE REAL DEAL
It looks like the actual PDF will require some digging...well, you know how I work - check back for the PDF to magickally appear

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