(January 1st---10th, 2025) Subhuman Chinese hurt Panda, China earthquake, India British Submerged, Subhuman Jewish Hollywood burning down etc etc .

Published on Jan 9, 2025

(January 1st---10th, 2025)
Subhuman Chinese hurt Panda, China earthquake, India British Submerged, Subhuman Jewish Hollywood burning down etc etc .

(December 31th 2024---January 1st, 2025)
China, One of the Freemason Karl marx's Communist/Semitic big "Country", With Huge population and tons of nuclear .
And fully support by Subhuman Jews https://www.ft.com/content/5befa6be-5abb-11e2-bc93-00144feab49a ,
U.S(Jew Ass) people, Russia India British French and the rest of Niggers BRICS alLIES .
Not to mention fireworks .

But in Hong Kong, A small country, With King of Hong Kong Boss Koo Tornado, Only Support by Japanese people .
Fireworks even has already started few second ago before 2025 .

(January 5th, 2025)
Subhuman chinese "tourist" throw the coke as rock to Panda,
Now we can't even stop our rage to these subhuman .

Start from this day, Those who feed the subhuman chinese and their jews or BRICS alLIES, Are same as our coalition's enemy .

Now you know why My Boss know what happen is coming to china on 2025, And during december 3rd 2024 said Actually in Hong Kong, Panda can be save?

Plus, You know, Compare to how my Boss love Panda, Also compare to 1930 Germany world first animals protection laws, Those subhuman are worse than the animals .

(January 5th, 2025)
U.S(Jew Ass) "Tourist"(Jewish), Die in their Cruise Ship, In Hong Kong pier, 11:59 pm (January 4th, 2025) .

(January 5th, 2025)
Indonesia maid(Subhuman shit skin semitic foreigner)
die in Hong Kong .

(January 2nd---9th, 2025)
China earthquake .

(January 2nd---9th, 2025)
India Submerged

(January 2nd---9th, 2025)
British Frozen and Submerged

(January 9th---10th, 2025)
U.S(Jew Ass) Burning, Subhuman Jewish Hollywood burning down,
Few days ago since January 1st, 2025 Frozen, Now bruning and Tornado .
The fucking subhuman jews cry on fire coming .
Fuck you don't hide, Your population gonna be wiped, Fucking jews, This is war, You all cannot hide .




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