Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Jan 30, 2024, CIVIL WAR, Church Remant, Big Pharma

Published on Jan 31, 2024
*** US Civil war - AKA Northern war of aggression, marxist north against the patriotic south. 25% of Union army were marxist Germans who had just migrated to the US around the 1840s-50s. 1860 electon won by marxist interests. Our gov’t conist of true marxists at heart.
Mike Gaddy, The TRUTH about the CIVIL WAR - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Io82z9iiBJt1/
*** Church remnant - always some within each group, who maintain their belief in Christ.
*** Big Pharma has a new scheme that will make them even more money: Undermining patients' bargaining power and pointing the finger at anyone standing in their way. They’ll blame PBMs. They’ll even blame the President. If we want to solve the Rx cost crisis - we need to hold Big Pharma accountable.
*** That the health ‘industry’ knows and cares what’s wrong with us.
*** That they think the meds they give us will help.

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