A U.S. soldier was sentenced to 100 years in prison Thursday for the gang rape and murder of an Iraq
Published on Apr 18, 2021
(23 Feb 2007) HEADLINE: Soldier Gets 100 Years for Rape, Killing
CAPTION: A U.S. soldier was sentenced to 100 years in prison Thursday for the gang rape and murder of an Iraqi girl and the killing of her family last year. (Feb. 23)
[Notes:various of house where rape occured]
Army Sergeant Paul Cortez and four other soldiers were charged with raping a 14-year-old Iraqi girl in this house in Mahmoudiyah, Iraq.
[Notes:various of house where rape ocurred]
Cortez admitted to his part in the crimes. As part of a plea deal, he described the rape and murders. He says...
[Notes:pan down on wall with burn marks]
after the girl was raped, the soldiers tried to hide the crime by burning her body, then tried to dispose of evidence.
[Notes:graphic of soldier in gas mask playing cards]
Cortez admitted he and three other soldiers cooked up the plan to rape the girl while they were drinking and playing cards.
[Notes:courtroom sketch of henley behind bench]
Thursday, Army judge, Colonel Stephen Henley sentenced Cortez to the maximum of life without parole for the rape of an Iraqi girl.
[Notes:graphic with sentence]
Military law allows for a lesser sentence unless Cortez violates the terms of a plea deal. That agreement lowers the jail time for the 24-year old to 100 years in prison and a dishonorable discharge. He is eligible for parole in ten years.
[Notes:various of rape scene]
One of the other soldiers involved has already been sentenced to 90 years in prison after pleading guilty. Two more are still waiting for their courts-martial.
[Notes:file of green and Kentucky courthouse.]
A fifth soldier who is accused of being the ringleader, is no longer in the Army. He will face charges in a federal court in Kentucky.
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