Richplanet - Scamdemic Update

Published on Jun 17, 2021
Richard presents official data which proves that there was no pandemic in 2020. Even the very existence of a Sars Cov 2 virus is disputed by some scientists, such as Dr Stefan Lanka who is actually credited with discovering a virus himself. The Covid vaccination programme is now well under way and figures are now available on how much damage these vaccines are causing. But how much of the damage is merely accidental or 'side effects', and could the early 'vaccine damage' statistics give us clues as to what the future damage effects might be. Some scientists are claiming that the spike protein which the vaccine produces inside your cells, is in fact what is called a 'prion protein'. We've heard about prions before on Richaplanet, in relation to the animal mutilation phenomenon. Could there be a link ? Richard explores a possible link.

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