Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, July 11, 2024, Jew World Parasite; Jim’s Hoax Videos; Virology Scam
Published on Jul 12, 2024
*** Jew as World Parasite, circa NS 1944,
*** Jim posting his older hoax videos
*** Spanish flu vax experimentation on Ft. Riley, KS soldiers; Syphilis experiments on (Black) Tuskegee Airman
*** Dealing with social security offices
*** Virology, germ theory, Spanish flu hoax
Virology Fraud - https://old.bitchute.com/video/YOYsapJ6wdwq/
Exploding the Spanish flu myth - https://old.bitchute.com/video/gq1RJt2tEhsR/
Kim Iverson - Dr. Tom Cowan - Fake Virology - https://old.bitchute.com/video/gHKZe7kbeT4m/
*** Roll-out of 5G EXACTLY the same time as the international effects of Covid
*** Jim’s health update - better cough, no tactic for dealing with calf pain
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