Oy Vey, Shut It Down - Original Song

Published on Dec 20, 2021
Oy vey! they shut it down, go look at the original version on bitchute

Description from YouTube:

Satire (noun): Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose human foolishness or vice.


you always know when you get close

to the viper’s den cuz you can hear them scheming

don’t even jest or the hornet’s nest

will descend upon you with a Shock and Awe

they fudge the scores they fund the wars

it’s how they knew in Waterloo who was the loser

it’s Protocol to hoax it all

like each pathogenic menace they design

don’t believe these lying eyes

there’s no conspiracy comprised of lies and history’s alibis

this timeline isn’t right

oy vey shut it down the goyim know too much

we rule the land with mighty hands that have the Midas touch

call me meshuggeneh for noticing a trend

there’s certain things you cannot say so sing them all instead

go try and tweet that being Caucasian is sweet

prepare to be flayed alive completely

and if you try to claim that space is fake and gay

they’ll greet you with obscene REEEing sounds

careful don’t say that boys wearing skirts playing

sports against your daughters is retarded

it’s only a fad when every single ad

depicts diversity in every home

remember we used to try to assemble and Occupy

but they dangled us the trope of social justice
Woke sells quite well it’s also a spell

cuz NPCs can’t see beyond the veil

don’t believe these lying eyes

there’s no conspiracy comprised of lies and history’s alibis

this timeline isn’t right

oy vey shut it down the goyim know too much

we rule the land with mighty hands that have the Midas touch

call me meshuggeneh for noticing a trend

there’s certain things you cannot say so sing them all instead

oy vey shut it down you’re shoahed now good luck

we are the techno Pharisees you’re just a bunch of schmucks

it’s hard not to kvetch when sizing up our lot

the deck’s been stacked so just relax here have a mazel tov

“it’s transistory”...funny story

inflation just sustains the vicious viper

old Jekyll knew where they hide all their jewels

but they can’t hide pride when it’s a little on the nose

who owns all this porn it’s kind of a warning

when the products free there’s something else they’re taking

these clowns in Hollywood drink their holly jolly juice

and the music industry’s a masquerade

these parasites disturb your mind

and turn you into something less than human

the Hive Mind Queen infects your dreams

til ignorance is bliss enjoy your bris
don’t believe these lying eyes

there’s no conspiracy comprised of lies and history’s alibis

this timeline isn’t right

oy vey shut it down the goyim know too much

we rule the land with mighty hands that have the Midas touch

call me meshuggeneh for noticing a trend

there’s certain things you cannot say so sing them all instead

oy vey shut it down you’re shoahed now good luck

we are the techno Pharisees you’re just a bunch of schmucks

it’s hard not to kvetch when sizing up our lot

the deck’s been stacked so just relax here have a mazel tov

oy vey shut it down the goyim know too much

we rule the land with mighty hands that have the Midas touch

call me meshuggeneh for noticing a trend

there’s certain things you cannot say so sing them all instead


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The content presented in this stream and/or video may be satirical in nature for entertainment purposes. It may contain realistic scenarios that may include themes of racism, anti-semitism, anti-LGBT sentiment and even elements such as death threats, all purely in the context of parody. In addition, this content may depict or refer to acts of violence in a satirical manner. Shock factor is a common and deliberate element used in these displays to emphasise the satirical message. By continuing to view this content, you acknowledge that you understand the satirical nature of this content, including the depiction of violence and the use of shock factor, and agree that you will not use or interpret this content outside of its intended context. Please remember that humour and satire are complex; they are not intended to belittle or demean, but to engage and challenge social norms through exaggeration. If you have any concerns about content, please feel free to engage in constructive dialogue or report issues to GTV staff.

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