HIV / AIDS Hoax - Does HIV Cause AIDS? Does HIV Exist?
Published on Jan 25, 2022
The French journalist Djamel Tahi interviewed Luc Montagnier, the discoverer of HIV, about the isolation of the virus. Although he believes he isolated HIV, Montagnier confirms he could not purify the virus. The Perth Group wrote a comment. (Continuumwinter, July 1997)
This video will expose the fraud of HIV testing, and how unsuspecting people in Africa who know nothing about human biology, or the nature of HIV tests, are being deceived and drugged to death by the antiretroviral poisons being fed to them by large pharmaceutical corporations and the criminal individuals who are gaining financially by maintaining this ruse. Meanwhile, Luc Montagnier, the man who won the Nobel Prize for discovering HIV, claiming openly that HIV is harmless to most people.
CDC Admitted They Have No Record Of Any “HIV†Purified From Any Patient Sample, By Anyone, By Any Method, Anywhere On The Planet.
FOIs Reveal That Health/Science Institutions Around The World Have No Record Of SARS-CoV-2 Isolation/Purification, Anywhere, Ever.
FOIs Reveal That Health/Science Institutions Have No Record Of Any “Virus†Having Been Isolated/Purified. Because Virology Isn’t A Science.
The HIV/AIDS Hoax Exposed By Dr. Robert Willner
How Do Virologists Isolate A Virus
Virology Fraud Explained In 19 Minutes
Laboratories In Germany Publish Evidence That There Is No Virus
The Final Refutal Of Virology - Dr. Stefan Lanka
Why You Cannot "Catch" A Virus
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