I Am An Anti Semite
Published on May 6, 2020
Post 1917 in the Jewish Bolshevik regime ‘anti-Semitism’ was a ‘crime’ punishable by death. Today we have the emergence of ‘thought police’- Jewish Zionism acting as if ‘Jew hatred’ were a crime. The reality is that those accused of ‘anti-Semitism’ have exposed Jewish criminality and atrocities. The Jewish tribe’s obsession with their own illusionary persecution is a marketing tool to distract from their criminality consequently ‘anti-Semitism’ is a manufactured word to accuse those who have exposed Jewish atrocities. Jewish Zionism intends to enforce this through terrorism just as the Jewish Bolsheviks did in Russia.
“The phrase “anti-Semite” is merely a propaganda word used to stampede the unthinking public into dismissing the whole subject from their minds without examination : so long as that is tolerated these evils will not only continue, but grow worse.” – British Conservative member of parliament AM Ramsay – The Nameless War
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