Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, May 22, 2024, HR6090, Noahides; Ryan; Wireless

Published on May 22, 2024
*** Beware of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, Lew Rockwell, HR 6090
The House of Representatives passed the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” on May 2, by a vote of 320-91 in reaction to demonstrations on numerous university campuses and elsewhere against the brutal and genocidal policy of Israel in Gaza. The Act has now been sent to the Senate, where it seems certain to pass. This is an extremely dangerous bill that could criminalize the Bible, many Christian Churches, as well as any negative remarks about Israel and Jews. … One of the examples the International Holocaust Remembrance Day Association’s definition of anti-Semitism is to say that Jews have a strong influence on American foreign policy. But it’s the simple truth … One of the oddest aspects of this whole deplorable business is that the Act bans statements that the Jews have a lot of political power.
*** Congress Criminalizes the NT, HR 6090, Pastor Chuck Baldwin (Repost)
*** https://stateofthenation.co/?p=228060
*** Noahide Laws - Beware of the Noahide Laws: While they may seem innocent and even good, the Noahide laws are being set up to be the rule of the Anti-christ. This rule will reach around the world and any Gentile who chooses to pursue Yeshua will find themselves breaking the law of the Anti-christ. Beware of the Noahide Laws.
*** Ryan Messano update
*** Wireless system - blame the Russians for issues concerning wireless harm
*** Searching for such things as ‘jews run the slave trade’ and ‘virus’ censored
*** WHAT IS TRUTH Video - https://www.bitchute.com/video/z7zeFsjHpWjM/
*** Charles Foekert - https://www.bitchute.com/video/lrFqQp5hGFq4/
*** AA is not Christian - https://www.bitchute.com/video/OOki7GGU4tmV/
*** MIT discrimination against whites lawsuit
*** Red Pill Expo

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