Jewish roaches of Stamford Hill London

Adolf Goebbels
Published on Feb 25, 2023
Video of the celebration for the Siyum & completion of the writing of a brand new Sefer Torah on Motzai Shabbos Parshas Va'ero - פרשת וארא
28 Teves, 5783 - January 21, 2023
Hachnosas Sefer Torah & procession from Bais Chana - Women's Jewish Centre on Northfield Road to Beis Lubavitch Shul at 107 Stamford Hill Road on Sunday, 29 Teves, 5783 - Erev Rosh Chodesh Shevat, 5783 - January 22, 2023 - ערב ראש חודש שבט
Hakafos and dancing at Bais Lubavitch - Mercaz Menachem
Shnas Hakhel - שנת הקהל
in Memory of R' Benzion Hackner OBM by his wife and family

Celebrated by members of the Hackner extended family from all over, including (but not limited to) Edelman, Eidelman, Zirkind, Hackner, Haskelevich, Bassali, Schochet, Friedlander, Simons, Krauss, Weisberger, Levinger, Goldman, Pollack, Cohen, Sinitsky, Braceiner, Schleider, Sabersky and members of the Chabad Lubavitch plus from the entire spectrum of the London Orthodox community. Including Dayan Bloom of Bobov, Rabbi Dovid Hager of Viznitz, and the Biale Rebbe. amongst others.

Mendel Hackner 0:53
Viznitz Rebbe Rabbi Duvid Hager 2:26
Rabbi Mendel Gordon 2:44
Chaim & Rayz Hackner 2:51
Rabbi S. Favish Vogel 2:59
Rabbi Chaim Meir Weisberger 3:04
Yonason Hackner 3:08
Moshe & Leah Hackner 3:19
Mrs. S. Hackner 3:32

Procession from Bais Chana 3:36
Shul Torahs welcome the new Torah 19:13
Ato Horaiso 21:00

Video and editing were professionally done by Yossi Abrams.
For contact information, please message the owner of this account.

Uploaded by Moshiko
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