State of our State (MA), Goyim who Talk Funny, Sunday Recap, Aug 21, 2022

Published on Aug 23, 2022

Joe's Summary Topics
John Neims' Song, 6 million lies
7 min:45 in - Boston Crazy transit system by Communist
8:30 in - Shut down Boston Streets, Agenda 30
17 min 35 into- Ursula Haverbeck, persecuted by the Jews again, thrown in jail, she's 93
charged with thought crimes on the holocaust, nonrepentant
34 min in -
38 min in - Weimar Republic and book burning, WHY?
45 min in - Our apostate Constitution How the Jews stuck their nose in the Constitution tent
49 min in - Michael Aquino, Satanist who could run for president thanks to the Jews...
52 Min in - Jews and illegal immigration, Kevin MacDonald's writings, Ted Kennedy the fool, HAIS and Jewish refugees who have ruined America
1 Hr 2 min in - How and why did Hitler come to power
1 Hr 7 min in -Wake up White man, you're being exterminated
1 Hr 10 min Jim's Canada story, Somalis, White flight, Somali alley, Chinese Amazons
1 Hr 19 min in - Brazilians come to Framingham in 1973, morally destroyed Rule of law, take over, join City Councils, School boards, corrupt Brazilian Margareth Shepard,
another corrupt Immigrant
1 Hr 27 min in - Dianna and the E.Michael Jones interview and topics to discuss, the Catholic Church and abortion, The Jews and the holocaust

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