Ian Puddick: confirmed member of the Jewish Pedo Mafia?

Published on Nov 17, 2021
Please see original upload by Brian Harvey
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Hilariously Puddick claims not to be bothered about an alleged claim by me that he was a pedo, yet objects to being called a Jew. That's one to ponder on. But it gets worse, when he then claims that he is bothered that I mentioned his stalking to Michael Wolkind QC, citing the fact that Michael is a Jew.

I never said he was a pedo. Puddick just keeps saying I said he was.

Puddick told my parents that I had called him a pedo online, but couldn't find anywhere where I'd said it. He also claimed to have got my details and where they lived (I hadn't lived there for at least fifteen years) from a journalist, i.e. totally criminal abuse of protected information, just like when the ICO sanctioned his business for his lies about various clients, etc..

Wolkind never told me he wasn't interested but I hear he hates the totally compromising paedophile protection activities that Puddick involves himself in as it makes him look like a freakish weirdo by extension and raises questions about who paid him for the work he did for him when Puddick claims to be a plumber who'd not have the means.

I don't know Wolkind but always quite liked watching him on TV, so I was aware of him from long before.

This is what Richard Mallett has to say


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