Published on Feb 14, 2021
Sky Dome Atlantis
Credit and Special Thanks 🙠to:
Data Asylum Website (Be sure to visit!): http://dataasylum.com​
TheJonathanKleck (Be sure to sub!): https://youtu.be/oRr6CV0Ul1U​
Richard Montbleau (B sure to sub!): https://youtu.be/cN0k7cpFU3Y​
A Simulated Realty (Be sure to sub!): https://youtu.be/jTtMu8C-Rg0​
Feel free to mirror; just pls. don’t monetize and send folks back to Demon Hunters II or SKY DOME ATLANTIS channels! YT is also heavily censoring my channels; so it’s up to those to share content if led. Info needs to get out! In short Satan has created a Technocracy based AI Virtual Augmented Realty Smart Dust Surveillance Confinement Dome within Yahuah’s Enclosed System; thus inverting, polluting, twisting and copying His creation. Satan’s AI digitalized world includes an avatar / surrogate for each human within his digitalized Matrix; capable of influencing individuals decisions via NanoTech that is already in our bodies via GMO’s and Chemtrails. We are talking a real life “Hunger Games†and “Surrogates†scenario! One needs to be conscious of all their actions making sure they are not being influenced via the enmity within that is looking to take over the host body system; nor by Satan’s Targeted Individual Programming which is seeking to high jack your Pineal Gland plugging you into Satan’s “One Hive Mind†OR “Metatron’s CUBEâ€. This smart dust confinement dome is capable of Holographic planes and UFO’s w/ V2K Voice to Skull technology and is a Psychotronic Weapons Systems / SKYNET. Satan’s AI Live Augmented Virtual Realty Artificial Sky Canopy is hiding Yahuah’s real Sun, Moon and Constellations while replacing it with Satan’s artificial Planet and Constellation Simulations.
Three Prong Attack: Satan is trying to high jack your Pineal Gland via his Targeted Individual Program attempting to influence you to side with his favor; rather than remaining grounded in Christ. The Anti-Christ Spirit is also being birthed into this realm via the opening of Chemtrail Gateway Portals to Outer Darkness which is also seeking to devour our life essence or spark of life. Female Energy (Anti-Christ Spirit) taking over Male Energy (Yahuah’s Spirit). They are also looking to impregnate us with their Black Matter / Black Blood / RNA CRISPER DNA inhibiting Jab 🦠💉🧬 🧟â€â™‚ï¸; introducing mind virus or Zombie Virus. It’s a “Three Prong Attackâ€; as we are being attacked via TI Program, the Anti-Christ Spirit Dark Matter being birth into our Earthly Realm via Chemtrail Gateway Portals and thru their Black Blood Nanite Jab. We must remain grounded in Christ and not accept jab. Yeshua is the only gate we should be entering thru; not via New Age Astral Projecting, etc..
All must realize! Yeshua is our only saving grace; our job as Christians is to seek out the Lost until the end. Yeshua said “It is Finishedâ€; thus we just need to keep “fighting the good fight†until death; which is life in Christ. Do Not take Vax as it will alter your DNA into Human 2.0.
Demon Hunter
Credit and Special Thanks to:
Donny of Daytona: https://youtu.be/UloeS7VxZvc​
Recommend videos to get caught up!
🚨 EYE IN THE SKY https://youtu.be/D7e3LHepJTU​
🚨 SPECTRE; Anti-Christ Spirit being birthed into our Earthly Realm via Chemtrail Gateway Portals. https://youtu.be/TPJ9VLLTaHE​
🚨 Dark Matter (Chemtrail Gateway Portals to Outer Darkness; Anti-Christ Spirit Rising) https://youtu.be/Qp2CjdS8v8Q​
🚨 HIGH ALERT: “1984â€; GLITCH IN THE MATRIX REVEALS ALL (YT CENSORED VIDEO): https://www.bitchute.com/video/j6Y7tM...​
🚨 PERFECTION; SPEAK THE TRUTH, EVEN IF YOUR VOICE SHAKES (A MUST WATCH!!!!): https://www.bitchute.com/video/OwkWYf...​
Demon Hunters BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8TTmKq...​
SKY DOME ATLANTIS - LBYR: https://lbry.tv/@SkyDomeAtlantis:4/sp...​
Demon Hunters Twitter: https://twitter.com/demonhunters2/sta...