In Cold Blood - The Massacre of East Timor
Published on Jan 22, 2021
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Most recently, journalist Christopher Hitchens raised questions about the role of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in giving a green light to the invasion that has left perhaps 200,000 dead in the years since.
This documentary examines the nature of the Indonesian occupation of the former Portuguese colony of East Timor. Reviews the personal and collective suffering experienced by the people of East Timor, and considers Australia's inaction before the litany of human rights abuses committed by the Indonesian regime, in particular, the Dili Massacre of 1991. Released 10 January 1992.
East Timor: Genocide of a Nation
East Timor Revisited: Ford, Kissinger and the Indonesian Invasion, 1975-1976
Balibo Five cover-up: When will it end in justice?
East Timor and Indonesia Action Network
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