Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Oct 4, 2023, OCT 4, IRC, The THIRD REICH and CATHOLICS Discussion

Published on Oct 4, 2023
*** OCT 4 EBS/FEMA 2:20-2:50p, 30 min signal going out, should only ‘go off’ for a minute ONCE. A lot of fear-mongering tactics applied to this (zombie apocalypse???)
*** Jim’s IRC (International Red Cross) Video, the truth about treament
*** EMJ/Gemma Discussion with Jim and Diane about Catholic priest treatment from the THIRD REICH.
Clergy Imprisoned in Dachau: A Critical Examination, John Wear: [dkk: They definitely use the term ‘critical’ loosely, not questioning the ‘eyewitness’ testimony sources as well as ANYTHING that would come from a war crimes trial against the Germans. John Wear ought to know better]

THE CONCORDAT - What did the concordat of 1933 do? By the terms of the concordat the church renounced all political activities and in turn the state guaranteed the right to free worship, to circulate pastoral epistles, to maintain Catholic schools and property.
POPE Pius XI, original name Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti, (born May 31, 1857, Desio, Lombardy, Austrian Empire [now in Italy]—died February 10, 1939, Rome, Italy), Italian pope from 1922 to 1939, one of the most important modern pontiffs.

*** (JBS) John Birch Society

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