White's for Jesus: Anglo Israel Truth
Published on May 23, 2020
SFA8-24-08 Part 7
What is the theological basis of the Anglo Israel Message? To know more, read an informative article concerning this Biblical truth.
by Pastor Peter J. Peters
When you sing the hymn "I Love to tell the Story" do you know to which bible story the song refers? We know that Jesus died on the cross and that story is told in the bible; other stories such as David and Goliath, Daniel in the lion's den, and Abraham offering up his son Isaac -- these are all Bible stories. Could the hymn refer to one of these?
The church world today teaches that the Bible story is this: The God of the Old Testament is God working with the Jews. Then through the Jews, He brought His son Jesus, and Jesus established a new covenant and now salvation is open to the Gentiles.
But, I want to tell you a different story. A simple study on Anglo-Israel truth and something that has taken years to gather; it is new and exciting information for many. I want you to gain an understanding about a people; and, to understand that God has not changed. The Bible says that God is the same today, yesterday, and forever. He just does not change; and, the Bible tells us that there is something that our God cannot do - it is impossible for Him to lie. Keep those things in mind while you read this. Remember, God does not change and He cannot lie.
The problem that exists today is that the words Jew and Gentile are very confusing to the church world. To the church world today, the word Gentile means non-Jew. And the word Jew means those people in the Old Testament. Think about this profound thought. The people in the Old Testament, for the most part, were not called Jews. Abraham was not called a Jew. There are many preachers that will tell you he was a Jew -- but Abraham was not called a Jew; Moses was not called a Jew; David was not called a Jew; Joshua was not called a Jew. They were called Israelites.
The first time that the word Jew is used in the Bible is in 2 Kings ...