Published on Aug 28, 2022
Man who slashed his neck on Facebook Live had been confronted by paedophile hunters
A 55-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of child grooming following a gruesome Facebook live stream that unfolded in a carpark in Liverpool, Merseyside on Friday night
A suspected child predator was arrested after slashing his own neck during a Facebook live stream as he was confronted by a vigilante team of paedophile hunters.
The shocking video was streamed to TFN.UK's page yesterday, as they pounced on a man in a car park on St Chad's Drive in Liverpool.
The clip has since been removed from the group's page, which shares takedowns of alleged child predators from around Britain.
In the distressing clip, a man can be seen reaching into the door of a car and holding a blade before another man shouts: "Get that off now... call the police now!"
Cops confirmed that a 55-year-old man from Kirkby, Merseyside, was later arrested on suspicion of grooming a child under 14 and possession of a bladed article.
Merseyside Police said: "At around 5pm officers attended an incident near Kirkby Police Station where a man was detained.
"The man was taken to hospital with serious injuries to his throat following the incident where he remains in a stable condition.
"A 55-year-old man from Kirkby was later arrested on suspicion of grooming a child under 14 and possession of a bladed article.
"An investigation is underway and a scene in place in the area whilst officers continue witness enquiries and examine CCTV footage."
Some bushes at the back of the car park were screened off while police remained at the scene.
TFN.UK released a statement claiming "no-one could have predicted" the incident, as many rushed to share their sympathy with the team at what they had witnessed.
It read: "The team kept videoing to not to show the followers but to make sure evidence was collected [sic].
"This guy could have easily turned the knife on them and in the heat of the moment they forgot it was on live.
"Please if anyone sees the video report it and please don't share.
"None of the team wanted this outcome and are extremely concerned about the welfare of any person who they sting.
"As soon as they could, the live got taken down, please respect them for that.
"Please remember that TFN are using decoys but every 1 in 5 children between the ages of 12-15 are being groomed and in 2019 over 200,000 children had been groomed online and over 2,000 children had been sexually abused by a stranger.
"We need these groups to continue to help bring these vile perps to justice."

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