GDL Presents: A White Power Christmas (FULL ALBUM)

Published on Dec 16, 2023
GDL Presents: A White Power Christmas
A compilation album by GDL and other pro-White musicians.
Executive Producers - Fashanova and Judenhass


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Some song mixing by Anechoic -

Album artwork by Unruled -

0:00 - 1. "All I Want For Christmas Is No Jews" by RayCis
2:49 - 2. "Ovening You, Shlomo" by Fashanova
5:52 - 3. "The Xmas Song" by Foundring
10:05 - 4. "Nigger Flooded Land" by Mr. Bond
12:33 - 5. "What Child Is This?" by Christina Seidl
14:25 - 6. "Frosty" by London Bridges
16:25 - 7. "You're A Mean One, Larry Fink" by Hissing Possum
19:37 - 8. "Cut Off Your Cock (Acoustic)" by Jewpac Shalom
21:51 - 9. "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Victory" by NAVO
24:26 - 10. "Home For The Holocaust" by Judenhass
27:21 - 11. "T'was the Night Before Christmas (Interlude)" by Floppa

28:56 - 12. "Father Christmas" by Judenhass
32:34 - 13. "Sieg Heilin Around The Christmas Tree" by Reichsgesetz
34:38 - 14. "Christmas Migration" by London Bridges
37:54 - 15. "Ruben the Hook-Nosed Banker" by NAVO
39:00 - 16. "No Jew Christmas" by Reichsgesetz
41:06 - 17. "The First Libel" by Christina Seidl
44:24 - 18. "Run Run Rabbi" by Adult White Female
47:05 - 19. "Last Christmas" by Psychodrilla
51:27 - 20. "White Power Christmas" by Jewpac Shalom & Christina Seidl
54:24 - 21. "Do Boers Know It's Christmas?" by GDL & Mr. Bond


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