(AUDIO) John Friend - The Realist Report Presents Kathleen Dudley and Monika Schaefer, Nov 5, 2023

Published on Nov 6, 2023
The Realist Report, Nov 4, 2023, https://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-monika-schaefer-kathleen-dudley/
John Friend Interviews Kathleen Dudley and Monika Schaefer

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined by Monika Schaefer and Kathleen Dudley, two of the most courageous truth-tellers in the alternative media. Monika is the President of the Truth and Justice for Germans Society and Kathleen is a holistic health practitioner, an activist, and independent investigator who has been involved in legal disputes relating to her property and judicial and legal corruption in rural Mora County, New Mexico, where she resides.

Monika and Kathleen joined me to discuss a number of topics, including the situation in occupied Palestine, the reported “surprise” Hamas attack on Israel, dubious atrocity tales coming from Israeli sources (many of which mirror claims about the fake Jewish “Holocaust” during WWII!), and much more!

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