Published on Sep 27, 2022
Part three . Pastor Jennings really starts dropping truth bombs.
For incredible books, including many rare, out of print titles available nowhere else, including titles that Amazon continues to BAN, and PURGE from their inventory, MANY TITLES that teach censored and even undiscovered TRUTH, visit my good friend — salt of the earth author (of over 185 titles) / publisher (of thousands) Robert Alan Balaicius at Sacred Truth Ministries-Publishing Co. This man carries THOUSANDS of titles.
His email is STM@MOUNET.COM (paypal and all payment platforms unconstitutionally banned him merely for presenting truth. He can only take orders through email, must order the old fashion way!!! SO PLEASE. Support this man / ministry. The Left is winning because our people are lazy, cheap, apathetic, and cowardly. The Left support their causes, and are even willing to protest, commit crimes, and go to jail. I certainly am not suggesting that. I am suggesting supporting those on the front line, and stop ordering from Amazon who then takes the lion's share of the money, uses it to help destroy Christendom, and then bans the very books that helped make them rich. Support God's Ministers, not Antichrist. This man has labored 90 hours a week for 32 years... it takes hundreds and even thousands of hours to produce some articles and books. If our people are only willing to read what's free online, or read for free without supporting the work, they rob God and they contribute to the destruction of Christendom by doing nothing when the enemy is more dedicated than they are.
Here's but a sample of his info:


If you care about our people, truth, civilization, our faith... tell everyone you know, who cares about the truth, about this ministry; and ask them to do the same; and make it exponential, each person telling a dozen more, etc.
Thank you.



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