Jim and John Friend Interview, Traficant Memorial Repost, Feb 12, 2022

Published on Feb 13, 2022
MEMORIAL TO CONGRESSMAN TRAFICANT, Nov 2015 produced by Jim Rizoli

*** Jim's Cataract Surgery issue - Jim refused an invasive COVID test - the hospital refused sight-saving cataract surgery.
*** Jim - anti (poison) vaxxer.
*** ANTI-VAX DEATHS - (actually) 500,000 AND COUNTING
*** Face Mask Fallacy
*** WWII - eliminating the last people who were jew-wise AND TELL THE TRUTH.
*** Hitler would NEVER have allowed COVID-mentality to shut down the country. (Wasn't Hitler against vaccines?)
*** Convoy in Canada (mass protests all over the world).(Jim: Not radical enough)
*** WN - jew-controlled movements.
*** Jan 6 was a trap. Like Charlottesville.
*** MAUS - disgusting graphic comic book. Introducing jew-inspired PORN. Psychological TERRORIST 'work'.
*** Diary of Anne Frank - irrelevant
*** Whoopi Goldberg, "not about race ..." The jews went batshit crazy (if not race, the issue would be based on bad behavior) Control of the narrative. The jews are different than the rest of us. 'RACE' may have been mistranslated from German to English.
*** Jews = 'anti-race'. "What unites you?" (not God) THE HOLOCAUST.
*** The Wannsee Conference (Minutes) - emigration, not extermination.

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