Pastor Peter J. Peters - "Signs of coming new heavens and new Earth"
Published on Feb 3, 2022
2nd Peter 3:7, 2nd Peter 3:12, Looking for signs. Sign of the Fig Tree, Mar 13:31, what is the sign of the fig tree? Numbers 21:6, Jeremiah 8:17, Jeremiah, 8:13-15, Habakit 3:16, Judges 9:10-11 Bad or no figs at all. Matthew 21:18, Judah represents the Fig Tree. Luke 13:6, ABC Newscast on productivity. Statistics from the labor department, Alan Greenspan. Jobs for China. Nothing made in America, 80% of jobs in the service sector. No producers in the US, fruitless fig tree. Micah 7:15. Planet X comets and earth changes. James Mcanny Science. Luke 21:25, Genesis 1:14, revelation 6:12. Hebrews 3:11-13, Luke 21:29, Race is diminishing, fewer and fewer white people. Pat Buchanan, Few decades ahead white people will be extinct. Plan on doing this. Luke 21:33. Be on guard that your heart may not be weighed down. Keep on alert at all times. Isaiah 65:!6. God will get rid of the ungodly.
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