Jim and Diane Review Jim's BitChute Channel Comments, Oct 17, 2022

Published on Oct 17, 2022
"God could have written the Bible from a Rock." Jim Rizoli

Barbara Jansen - Jesus' Parable of the WEDDING: I just heard an excellent sermon this past Sunday. I am amazed at how many of our Zionist Christian friends have overlooked this very important parable found in Matthew 22 where it talks about “the King” having a wedding party for his son. It goes like this:

The king’s invitation goes out into the land but only a few respond. Some were too busy with work, the farm, the families or had no interest. So the king sends his servants to go throughout the land to personally invite anyone he can find to accept the invitation. The servants go out into the street, talking to the homeless and the nomads and even inviting them to the wedding. The king gives them all special garments to wear to come to this wedding. Then on the day of the wedding a man appears not properly attired; not wearing the proper garment to a wedding. (A wedding crasher just coming in for the food!) The king’s servants ask the man why he is not wearing the appropriate garment to this wedding and the man is speechless. He is then bound hand and foot and cast out of the wedding. In other words he got thrown out because he wasn’t wearing the robe the king gave to all who were invited who accepted the invitation.

So what exactly was this robe? It was the robe of righteousness given to all who accepted Jesus Christ as the savior, where we are washed by His blood. This is the New Covenant. Those who have this robe are invited to the king’s wedding. Who is the king’s son? Why it’s Jesus, of course! He is the Groom. Who is the bride? Why it’s the church of course, represented as the Bride of Christ. Believers in the one and only sent to the world as the Lamb of God who accepted to sacrifice himself for all those unable to keep the law.

What is ”the Law”? It’s all the Old Testament 616 laws which are unattainable because they represent the glory and the perfection of God. So what is in the way of keeping these laws? The flesh. ”The Flesh” is of sinful nature right out of the womb. It was the fall of man that caused the unfulfillment of these laws. Everything in the universe has laws and there has to be justice. Only Jesus in the flesh could fulfill those laws where we could not and stood in our place of death and crucifixion. We all know the wages of sin is death which is likened unto a death sentence. Jesus came to bail us out so that our standing under God could be justified. He became our Robe Of Righteousness. The appropriate garment to be worn at the wedding. So, those without a robe will not be able to come to “the wedding”. Where will they all go? They will be cast out.

“Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (“Gnashing of teeth represents the anger of being cast out”. )“For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Aww, the 'chosen' are those who are invited to the 'wedding'.)

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬: https://bible.com/bible/1/mat.22.14.KJV
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭13‬ ‭KJV‬‬: https://bible.com/bible/1/mat.22.13.KJV

Now you understand that Jesus came to his own but they accepted him not. Those who rejected him will not be invited to “The Wedding”.

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