Biden ACHIEVES Lowest Approval Rating Ever! - Rumble

Published on Nov 22, 2021
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Full Report:
What virus? Where is the proof?
Here is a collection of
Freedom of information responses and court documents from over 120
institutions (including Public Health Agency of Canada, US CDC,
NIAID, UK Depart of Health and Social Care, Indian Council of Medical
Research) in >20 countries:
Every challenged
institution has failed to provided or cite even 1 record describing
isolation/purification of the alleged "COVID-19 virus" from
any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere, or proof of "its"
V!ru$e$ do not exists as we have been told. It is another
hoax, which has now been debunked. What people need to realize is
that there is NO tiny bug that can kill them. This whole scamdemic
would end overnight if everyone knew this.. No V!ru$e$, therefore NO
MORE VAxxCINES. Read the Books Contagion Myth, The Invisible Rainbow,
Virus Mania: C-19 edition, What Really Makes You Sick? And Good By
Germ Theory, and that’s just a start of the evidence showing the
Complete Fraud Pharma and the Medical establishment are.
WARNING TO DOCTORS AND ALL MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS..., Or Any Person Who Ignores Their Constitutional Obligation To The People. As well as any political power in violation of the Nuremberg Code under International Law!
The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses Are Not the Cause of Disease.pdf
The End of Humanity - The Satanic Genocide of Seven Billion
Videos - Google Drive
By [email protected]

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