(June 23th, 2023) Finally 卐 明智光秀 (Akechi Mitsuhide) from another dimension 卐

Published on Jun 24, 2023

(June 23th, 2023)
Return to play this game for awhile 卐
Perhaps it works because some VPN region and try in the right timing, I try the VPN method 卐
Or perhaps it works because i've try don't login this game for a period of time, Like more than a month no login this game 卐
Anyway, Finally 卐
Now i have this 明智光秀 (Akechi Mitsuhide) from another dimension 卐

So, Yamamoto Akio was 足利義昭 (Ashikaga Yoshiaki), Me 明智光秀 (Akechi Mitsuhide), Skinhead was (本願寺顕如) Hongan-ji Kennyo 卐
(And the freemason/communist was Oda Nobunaga)

Again and again i said it:
I always want to be this guy, Plus, Now this 明智光秀 (Akechi Mitsuhide) from another dimension just so me, I want him so bad .

His Awaken skill was enlightened, Non-stop throwing skill, His Awaken skill also can enter the realm of demon for 2 rounds,
Causing 4 enemy troops 100% physical damage, Plus with the perfect timing to invert the enemy with weakness revealed 卐
(Trigger once his troops is reduce to 50% under)

After/Along with The Legendary Samurai- Miyamoto Musashi, In the world of Samurai, This guy was second the none 卐

Here is a last poem that he gave to the modern people of this world, Before he suddenly mysterious disappearance, The most famous poem, Even until now, This poem still remain in 西教寺 Saikyo-Ji (Saikyo temple) .
(There is 4 sentence in this Poem, The first two sentence is also for human of this world, And the last two sentence is particularly for the 6th heaven demon king Oda Nobunaga)

「順逆二門に無し、大道心源に徹す、五十五年の夢、覚め来れば 一元に帰す。」--明智光秀
(原文:順逆無二門 大道徹心源 五十五年夢 覚来帰一元)--明智光秀

Duality has no different,
The way that penetrating through the origin of subconsciousness,
Fifty-five years of dream,
If you enlightened it, It will return with you as one .
--明智光秀 (Akechi Mitsuhide)



How the ancient Samurai 卐 slayed Tengu ?



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