Great red dragon, or London money power 1890 - Audio Book..

Published on Oct 24, 2021
The destruction of the buffalo was thus
effected : A high price was offered for buffalo hides in
whatever quantity they were offered. All men who wished
to hunt buffalo could get an outfit on credit and pay for
it in buffalo hides. On these terms, an army of buffalo
hunters was organized. Hunters lined the banks of the
streams where the buffaloes came to drink, and by shoot-
ing them down, drove the herds away; and thus con-
tinued to shoot them as, parched with thirst, they came
to the streams to drink. Some shot the buffaloes ; some
skinned the carcasses : some hauled off hides. In two or
three years, the buffaloes numbering many millions were
Nobody but the London Money Kings could have thus
effected the extermination of the buffalo. None but they
look so far ahead. Only they had money enough to equip
such an army of slaughterers. Only they, in their immense
world-wide commerce, had a market for such a vast num-
ber of hides. They had been obtaining hides for their
trade in leather, shoes, and other leather products, from
Buenos Ayres, in South America. It was only necessary
to substitute buffalo hides for South American, for two or
three years, to secure the extermination of the Buffalo.
The Money Kings saw a grand enterprise in devoting
the Western Plains to the production of beef. As soon
as the buffaloes were exterminated, they began to buy
cattle in Texas, and cows and calves and young cattle in
all the states, to start ranches on the Plains. This caused
a boom in cattle all over the country; and multitudes of
enterprising Americans organized cattle companies, and
started cattle ranches all over the West, from Texas to
Montana, mortgaging their property, and taking money
out of their business, in order to take stock in the cattle
companies. The boom in prices was kept up until the
Plains were fully occupied with ranches; for the Money.
Kings had entire control of the cattle market; and they
offered high prices as long as it was their interest to induce
Americans to invest in the beef production. In a few
years, the Western Plains were fully stocked with cattle
When the ranches were established, it was time for the
Constrictor to tighten its folds. The agents of the Money
Power were the only buyers in the cattle market. The
Money Kings themselves owned many cattle ranches in
the West. They could always have a supply of their own
cattle in the Market to be offered to their agents, the
cattle buyers, at a very low price, so as to force down the
market on other cattle owners. It would make no differ-
ence to them how low the price of their cattle—for they
were selling to themselves : It was money out of one pocket
into the other. They thus kept down the market for
cattle, until almost all American cattle companies are
now broke.
A gentleman largely interested in cattle companies told
me, two years ago, that, at that time, fifty-seven per cent,
of the cattle companies were broke.


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