Scandinavian Trolls Explained | Nordic Folklore

Published on Jun 30, 2022
Lumbering, powerful beasts, trolls are an integral part of Nordic folklore with ancient roots in Norse mythology. Each culture has their own depiction and stories of these immense beings, from the typical troll to the Sami stallo and the Finnish peikko.

00:00 Introduction to Trolls
00:34 Descriptions and Behaviour of Trolls
01:08 Troll Wives and Kidnapping
01:27 The King of the Trolls (Dovregubben)
01:54 Where do trolls live?
2:12 Different Types of Trolls
02:27 How to Defeat a Troll
03:25 The Finnish Troll: Peikko
04:04 The Sami Troll: Stallo
05:02 Trolls from the Faroe Islands
06:10 Outro

Pippin the Hunchback Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Teller of the Tales Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Starry Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 3.0 License


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