#StandWithOkeefe - Project Veritas Whistleblowers Unite to Fight For James O'Keefe

Published on Jul 23, 2023

Statement from Project Veritas Insiders

As individuals who trusted Project Veritas with our stories, the removal of James O’Keefe by the Board of Directors was extremely disappointing and shocking. Without James O’Keefe, there is no Project Veritas.

We have all worked directly with Project Veritas journalists and in many cases spent months working with them and also interacting with Mr. O’Keefe both before going public and afterwards during various events.

We sacrificed our jobs and our livelihoods in order to give James O’Keefe hard evidence of fraud and corruption, whether it was at CBS news, Fox news, Google, Facebook, UPS, Pfizer, Hasbro, DHS, CNN, ESPN, HHS, or United Healthcare.

Many of us were reluctant to go public, but because of O’Keefe’s dedication to journalistic integrity  and honesty, we made the leap to go public with our stories, because we trusted him and the organization. That currency of trust can’t be bought with money, and we knew James would never sell us out, and he never did. He always had our back. He stayed true to his word and his undercover journalists went to great lengths to share our stories in the most compelling manner possible. 

We have many unanswered questions about what transpired between the Board and James O’Keefe. We are still questioning the facts and hope that more information will come to light and that both parties can come to an understanding. We hope that any misinformation is immediately corrected and that there is full transparency.

We played a small but crucial role in the organization when we were given the opportunity to share our stories, but O’Keefe’s removal from the organization has dealt a devastating blow to future whistleblowers who now may have doubts about the organization and its leadership. 

A few of us started engaging with Project Veritas as early as 2017, and after going public we have collectively been interviewed thousands of times and have promoted the Project Veritas brand simply by telling our story, both in the U.S. and globally, in dozens of countries such as Brazil, Japan, Columbia, Mexico, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Chile and Argentina. We were happy to promote James’ organization because of the great experience we had working with him and his journalists.

Many of us were inspired by other whistleblowers who went public, and we forged strong relationships with one another after being fired and dealing with media blowback, hit pieces and harassment. Because of James, there is a growing movement of whistleblowers who are willing to come forward and tell their stories. 

We stand united with James O’Keefe and his team of journalists, and we are confident they will continue to fight for the truth and expose corruption.


O’Keefe’s Insiders

Ryan Hartwig - Facebook Insider

Cassandra Spencer - Facebook Insider 

Trevor Adams - ESPN/Disney Insider

Zach Vorhies - Google Insider

Aaron Stevenson - DHS insider

Cary Poarch - CNN Insider

David Johnson - Hasbro Insider

Jodi O’Malley - HHS Vaccine Insider

April Moss - CBS Insider

Melissa McAtee - Pfizer Insider

Ivory Hecker - Fox News Insider

Jeanne Stagg - United Healthcare/LDH Insider

Richard Hopkins -USPS Insider

Tara Rodas - HHS Insider

Kent Heckenlively JD,  co-author for Cary Poarch, Ryan Hartwig, David Johnson and Zach Vorhies

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