(November 7th--10th, 2023) I Pronounce Today, You may massively slaughter Tengu and their childs around the world now

Published on Nov 10, 2023

(November 7th--10th, 2023)
U.S(Jew Ass) Tengu along with traitor Kishida Unification church 自民党 trying to use their G7 foreigner policy to brainwash Japanese people, They think Japanese are fool, Of course Japanese know what happened, And know how to reply .

I Pronounce Today,
You may massively slaughter Tengu and their childs U.S(Jew Ass) army/"White" christian around the world now, No mercy, Start from this day, Until they are no more influence/Colonial .
The reason i pronounce this day, No on January 1st, 2024, It's because this Karma conditions are met, And the time has come, It's the best timing now, From this day, To 2025 .

Those army in your land who trying to protect Tengu, Slaughter them as well .
China Russia France British etc communist semitic alLIES people are along with them, Slay them as well .

You should not waste your time or energy to protest, You want stop Tengu on colonial?
That's the only way, Let's do this,
And never trust any Tengu who say stand with your side to against their own Tengu, They are cunning, And you will regret if you trust them .

As i've said before, Boycott israel will not only held in Japan, But all across the world soon .

Notes:Japanese are not support any abrahamic-semitic,
But for against the Tengu/Jews/Israeli .

Japanese will never stand for communist or zionist .


Rootless Tengu, Where did they came from to this world?:




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