Spies, Lords and Predators - British Elite Child Abuse Scandal

Published on May 2, 2021
For decades, an elite group of Paedophiles and Satanists have been involved in sex trafficking, abusing, drugging and finally killing innocent children.
These depraved monsters come from every conceivable walk of life.
Members of the Establishment, High Society, Business men, Singers, Entertainers, Actors, protected by the BBC, Politicians, Government Ministers, Civil Servants, Judges, Policemen, Social workers, the Catholic and Anglican church, Free Masons, you name it, these vile bastards are involved.
For decades, and still operating today, a huge nationwide network of Muslim child rape gangs have been drugging, beating, gang raping and forcing into prostitution, thousands of British school children. The police have done everything in their power to hide this. Some of the police are actively involved and being paid by the rape gangs. I'll post more videos on this.
During Tony Blair's stint as Prime Minister, not only was he a war criminal, but he actively encouraged and rewarded Social Services with financial payments for taking children and babies, from their families, often from the screaming arms of their mothers.
And guess what, the British police helped them to do it. Yes, I have video proof which I will post shortly.
Those kids would end up in so called care homes where they were preyed upon and abused by the paedophiles.
You could not possibly make this shit up! Unspeakable evil.
Some very good, honest decent policemen and journalists, tried very hard to investigate and expose the horrific truth about this. Tried to save children.
Police investigators were told to stop investigating by their superiors and some were threatened with dire consequences if they continued. Some were sacked and they lost everything, job, home, family, pension, everything, because they fought to bring out the truth.
One journalist, in the days when we actually had real honest decent journalists and investigative reporters, was ready to expose everything he knew about the elite establishment paedophiles, when he was approached by an armed man from MI5 or MI6 and told to stop. If he did not, he and his family would be killed.
Quite a few of these evil individuals are now dead and so they escaped punishment, but the truth should now be exposed.
The world should know who they were and what they did. We can't hang the bastards, but we can destroy their reputations.
The same must be said of the elite paedophiles who are still in the land of the living.
Expose them, arrest them, prosecute them, hang them!
Execution is the only fitting punishment for anyone who commits such horrific crimes against defenceless children.
It is time for them ALL to face justice.

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