Mass row breaks out with commuters on a train over face masks and seats

Published on Dec 12, 2021
A MASK row broke out between commuters on a train after one passenger refused to let others sit on a seat next to her.

Three women were locked in a brawl after one passenger, wearing a black hat and pink coat, refused to move her bag to let anyone else sit down on the Tube.

At one point during the bizarre altercation, a third woman forced her way into the seat despite the pushing and kicking from the pink-coat lady.

She then jumped up shouting about how she was exempt from wearing a mask - with the blonde woman responding: "I'm exempt as well."

The row started when the second woman, wearing a black coat, tried to sit on the Tube seat.

But the seated passenger said: “What is wrong with you? Did you just come out of cave?"

The standing passenger wearing a black coat argued back saying: “Out of a cave?

“Are you actually going to put your hands on me over a seat on a train that I have paid for today?”

Read more:
Mask row erupts on train as passenger refuses to let anyone sit next to her – before woman pushes herself onto seat

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