Jewish Supremacist Parasites Name Spy Company After Parasite That Swims Up Urethra of Human Penises

Published on Nov 22, 2021
If there is any doubt that our Jewish Israeli "friends" are stain on humanity and a stab in our backs this story of the Jewish company who plants viruses on cell phones worldwide for the purposes of assisting governments catch and kill human rights activists should make it clear who our enemy is. Our Israeli "Friends" continue to their perpetual stab in our backs. Jewish power is a stab in the back to all human life. William Burroughs wrote about the Candiru parasite in him groundbreaking book Naked Lunch - about its apocryphal behavior of borrowing its way up the uthreea of human penises and vaginas and sending out spikes to lodge itself high up into the organs.
And this company is run at the highest levels of the Israeli military intelligence by former Israeli intelligence with technology stolen from the US like all "their" technology is stolen from.

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