Tight Lips: The Murder Of Jeffrey Epstein
Published on Aug 7, 2020
"The phrase "Epstein didn't kill himself" refers to the theory surrounding the death of Jeffrey Epstein that disputes the official account by authorities of suicide by hanging. Epstein was a Pedophile financier with many powerful and wealthy friends including Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. His reported suicide generated numerous theories about the nature and cause of his death.
Nothing about the Epstein case seems strait forward, even how he obtained his massive wealth.Then there is his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell and English tycoons daughter, how much was she in on it? Or is it going to come out that she herself was a victim and what about the victims? Are they all really victims ? There have been many insiders who claim Epstein's accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre is a money-grubbing opportunist out for a payday and part of a broader conspiracy to subvert the judicial process for the purpose of making false claims against several men in order to make a public example to extort private settlements from other, wealthier individuals associated with Epstein.†People close to Roberts say she has told numerous provable lies about her age, and other fabrications, in addition to her false accusations about sex with Dershowitz that will come to light in a trial and believe she will never be part of any trial and would return to Australia.
It seems all the secrets will be secrets no more with the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell but you can't woodier if she will ever see a court room and that the same fate of her former partner now awaits her.
Enjoy Or Not. --DEADBUG"
********DEADBUGsays on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/CWTCMb780Q4R/
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