Racist South Carolina U.S. Senate Candidate Caught on Audio: ‘Treat White People Like Sh*t’

Published on Sep 15, 2022
A recording of South Carolina state representative and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Krystle Matthews saying black people needed to “treat white people like sh*t” has hit social media after Project Veritas caught the racist rep on audio spewing hate.
“I’m no stranger to white people, I’m from a mostly white town,” Matthews said in the video clip, which was posted online by Project Veritas on Wednesday afternoon. “And let me tell you one thing: You oughta know who you’re dealing with, like … you gotta treat them like sh*t, I mean … that’s the only way they’ll respect you.”
“I keep them right here, like under my thumbs,” Matthews continued. “That’s where I keep it, like … you have to, like, otherwise they get outta control like kids.”A recording of South Carolina state representative and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Krystle Matthews saying black people needed to “treat white people like sh*t” has hit social media after Project Veritas caught the racist rep on audio spewing hate.
“I’m no stranger to white people, I’m from a mostly white town,” Matthews said in the video clip, which was posted online by Project Veritas on Wednesday afternoon. “And let me tell you one thing: You oughta know who you’re dealing with, like … you gotta treat them like sh*t, I mean … that’s the only way they’ll respect you.”
“I keep them right here, like under my thumbs,” Matthews continued. “That’s where I keep it, like … you have to, like, otherwise they get outta control like kids.”

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