[Hamas is Israel[ - Israel Attack vs Hamas Attack comparison | Latest Update | Gaza

Published on May 19, 2021
Israel Attack vs Hamas Attack comparison
2021 Israel–Palestine crisis | Gaza violence | Hamas | Shocking footages
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The struggle between Israelis and Palestinians is one of the world's most enduring conflicts
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Israel Palestine Conflict:
युद्ध शांत होगा या महायुद्ध में बदलेगा? | Hindi | Latest Update | Gaza
The ongoing conflict between Israel-Palestine now seems to be changing into a war. Late night, Israel bombed Gaza for 10 consecutive minutes.

How was the country of Israel born? When did Palestine came into being? In this video, I explain in detail the complete history of Israel - Palestine conflict which dates back to before the Ottoman empire. In 1917, the British promised Jews a separate country in the Balfour declaration. In 1947, the United Nations released a partition plan after which Israel first came into existence and immediately went to war in 1948 with the neighbouring Arab countries. Why did Israel and Palestine came so close to achieving peace in 1993? From the year 1000s to year 2021, this video takes you through the complete history of the region.

Israel Palestine Conflict: 1000 year History | Jerusalem | Gaza | West Bank
Israel-Palestine conflict: What is happening in Jerusalem?
On May 10, Israeli armed forces stormed #AlAqsa Mosque in the Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem, ahead of a march by Zionist nationalists commemorating Israel’s capture of the eastern half of the city in 1967. More than 300 Palestinians were injured in the raid. In retaliation, Hamas, the Islamist militant group that runs #Gaza, fired dozens of rockets. The Israelis launched an airstrike on Gaza in response, killing at least 21 Palestinians, including nine children.

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युद्ध शांत होगा या महायुद्ध में बदलेगा?
Israel-Palestine के बीच जारी संघर्ष अब युद्ध में बदलता नजर आ रहा है. देर रात इजराइल ने गाजा पर लगातार 10 मिनट तक बम बरसाए.


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