Alcyon Pleiades 104: Vaccine refusal/deaths/effects, Global resistance, Agenda 21, Growing protests
Published on Jan 26, 2021
We are dealing with a fallacy, and this scam involves health-based terrorism designed to force humanity to get vaccinated. This is nothing short of systematic extermination which has been carefully planned by the world’s most powerful elite, in order to reduce the global populace. Thus, we urgently need to wake up, because, if we persist in our lack of awareness, we will not be able to break free of the manipulation and health-based terrorism they wish to impose upon us.
This manipulation involves the use of masks which are destroying the health of children, and damaging our mental and emotional stability. It also involves mandatory lockdowns and subsequent physical isolation without just cause which is a flagrant violation of our human right to freedom. The harmful vaccine they want to jab us with is experimental and its effectiveness and safety has not been proven. In fact, the death toll is on the rise, as is the number of people affected by adverse side effects.
This is why more than 100,000 physicians, scientists, virologists, biologists, psychiatrists, immunologists, microbiologists, geneticists, epidemiologists and various other health professionals worldwide are sounding the alarm about the harmful dangers involved. Similarly, lawyers, legal committees and courts are taking a stand against the imposition and propagation of information that uses sensationalism, manipulation and fear to impose increasingly restrictive measures that violate our rights.
These measures cause serious psychological, physical, economic and social damage, and their objective is the extermination and reduction of the human population, in order to roll out Agenda 21, or the Great Reset, which will serve to impose a totalitarian state upon us, whereby the elite can introduce the New World Order.
This enables us to understand why, now more than ever, we must pose robust, unbreakable resistance. It is urgent for us to continue demonstrating non-stop, conveying that we are a free, democratic society with the right to an opinion, as we express our inconformity with the vaccine.
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