Jim and Diane Update, Ford and Hitler plus Issues of the Day, Nov 4, 2021

Published on Nov 5, 2021
More about the collaboration of Ford and Hitler
(Ford and Hitler - https://www.bitchute.com/video/iHrmf0Q7P9ts/)
*** Florida second grader, Fiona Lashelles, faces disciplinary action, 36-day suspension for noncompliance with face mask mandate (HOME SCHOOL HER - Jim and Diane)
*** Chicago Public Schools’ latest enrollment drop was spurred largely by students leaving the city for schools elsewhere in the state or country, plus children moving to city private schools, parents opting for home schooling or kids falling off the district’s radar, new data released Wednesday shows. Transfers to private schools, suburban districts, home schooling spur latest CPS enrollment drop (NOT 10,000 BUT 26,000)

Jim and Joe's City, Framingham, MA Election Results. (Don't expect a Fram critique - must rely on Jim and Joe. Jews placed in a black woman last time - disaster - now they've inserted one of their own.) https://www.metrowestdailynews.com/elections/results/local/

(Caliber of individuals elected to office!) (This is a joke, son ... or not!)
"Massachusetts has a population of approximately 6.7 million people and is the 3rd most densely populated state in the nation. Close to 3.71% adults (according to SAMHSA) in Massachusetts live with serious mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression."


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