Bloodline - Scotland
Published on Jan 19, 2021
The Scots were not immune to the tools of the Bank of England, and remain one of the largest diasporas sent out into the world far from their homeland by the English parliament and monarchy, indebted to the Bank and ran by the Jew. Those who ran Britain destroyed the fierce Scottish Highland clans for their strong sense of kinship, culture, and ties to their land. The Scots figured heavily in the creation of the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand - as well as many other countries. Scottish men are among the top most inventors in a world of invention and innovation dominated by European hearts and creativity. If you are Scot, be "strong, bold and without fear... if you behave in this way you will surely have victory." King Robert the Bruce, 1314
Footage taken from Survive the Jive ("Where did the Celts Come From - Who Were the Druids") - amazing channel and you should check out his work.
Also, "The Highlanders - the Aristocrats of Democracy" - a very bizarre title considering but probably produced by the BBC Bolsheviks... nevertheless there it is. A good film nonetheless. Not a ton of tripe, only a little.